The season is coming to an end!
Follow our teams and discover all the work done each week during the ski season.
Week of March 20, 2023
Our team of snow groomer operators works very hard all winter long, but contrary to what you might think, they work harder in the spring!
When warmer weather arrives, the snow groomers can no longer venture onto the slopes during the day to preserve the snow. Think about it, having heavy trucks on the trails melts the snow…and that’s the opposite of what we want to do!

So the team puts in a lot of effort during the night. During the winter season, an average of 7 snow groomers work at night, while in the spring, all 9 snow groomers are out to ensure the opening of the trails the next day. The workload is even greater for our operators because in addition to grooming, they must make sure to cover all the holes by transporting the snow to the trails. It may feel like spring, but for our trail maintenance team, it’s a last right that is not easy before the end of the season!
Snow parks
You told us that you missed some modules this winter because we didn’t install them. Well they are now in the Challenge Zone! Enjoy them as long as the weather permits.
Alpine touring
Alpine touring continues at the mountain and all our trails are still open except for L’Épicée and Tériyaski due to the dismantling of the lift at Versant des Épinettes. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, but if you want to enjoy it even more, temporary alpine trails have been set up on the Miami and Orlando! Hike to the top along these slopes and then ski them down.
Week of Ferbuary 27, 2023
Did you know that our snow groomers are equipped with a system that allows us to measure the depth of the snow? We know in real time where we need to make snow. And that’s exactly why we closed the Knowlton and Varenne last week! We wanted to make sure to maintain a good amount of snow so that you could enjoy it during the Spring break.
There are still some great weeks left in the season, but as of next week, our crew will begin removing the 3000 hoses connected to our snowmaking system and transporting them to the wind tunnel. We will of course try to learn more about the wind tunnel, but until then, enjoy the great conditions and the Spring break animation!
Have fun!

Week of January 23, 2023
Our 7 mountainsides are open but the teams are still working hard on the snowmaking. We know you are impatient for the opening of the Montréal. It is under construction! You will also soon be able to check the Sudbury on the Versant des Épinettes and the Los Angeles on the Versant de la Côte-Ouest off your list of trails because they are under construction as well and will be opening soon!

Snow Parks
We have started snowmaking in the Calgary Park which will be under construction all week. All other parks are open! It will be the Nuit Blanche on Saturday and the Parc St-Jean will be transformed into a Lego thematic zone. Be there!
Alpine touring
Good news for alpine touring enthusiasts, 9 out of 12 ascent trails are now open! With snow expected at the end of the week, we plan to open the entire network for the weekend.
Come warm up because the Alpine Touring Challenge is coming up on Saturday February 4th and Sunday February 5th! For those of you who take the word challenge seriously, we’ve put together a marathon-like itinerary for you. If that’s not your style, you can also take a chance to win prizes because 1 trail = 1 chance to win!
Week of January 9, 2023
The teams are on fire after last week’s warm weather and the Snow Factory is operating at full capacity! Thanks to their expertise, we have managed to preserve our snow and we continue to open new trails.
Some people are wondering why we had to close trails during the thaw when they were already snowed in and you had already skied them. We explained here the reason why we kept the whales during warmer weather. Well, the second way to preserve the snow once it has been groomed is to avoid the passage of machinery…and by the same token, skiers. So it’s a tough decision to choose to close trails…but a happy day when all we have to do is blow new snow on the surface without having to start the whole snowmaking process again!
You’ve seen the weather conditions at the end of the week as we have. We are currently snowmaking in the New York, Cowansville, Seattle and Miami and will close the Factory on Thursday and reopen on Saturday.
If the weather is good, we will start snowmaking on the San Diego and Orlando this weekend. So the fun of skiing the back side is not so far away!
Have fun skiing!
Week of December 12, 2022
Snow parks
Great news on this storm watch! Our team is on fire and has started construction of not one but TWO parks this week. And they might even be open by the time you read this:
- Thursday: opening of the park in the St-Armand
- Friday: opening of a part of the Max Parrot Park
In total, a dozen new modules will be installed!
Also, due to the popularity of the temporary Brome Park, the team has added a module for a total of 4. Did we tell you that we love you?

Opening of the mountainsides and slopes
Get out our list of trails to check off (it’s here!), the Coupe du monde is open since Tuesday and the Bromont since Wednesday.
Next up: Victoriaville and Pente-école AND the Toronto-Pittsburg to go down the Versant du Lac this Friday.
Have fun!