
We're getting ready for ski season!

montagne été hiver

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the Patrol team


This is the Patrol Team. You may think that our team is only active during the ski season, but think again! Throughout the fall, our patrollers, both new and experienced, undergo training and perform many tasks before skiers can hit the slopes safely.

Recruitment and training of new recruits

Recruiting our future patrollers starts well before winter. As early as spring, we organize an open house for potential candidates. The first part of the day allows interested individuals to learn about the patroller role, the required training, and the necessary skills.

The second part is a skiing test where we assess their level to ensure they can intervene, with or without a sled, on all the mountain’s slopes, regardless of the conditions.

At the end of summer, we contact our veterans and assess recruitment needs. New patrollers who secure the position will first undergo specific training in chairlift evacuation, tailored to our installations and equipment.

They will then complete 60 hours of first aid training on the mountain, enabling them to earn their alpine patroller certification.

In total, new recruits accumulate nearly 80 hours of training before even putting on their ski boots!

Requalification of veterans

As for our veteran patrollers, they don’t rest during the off-season. They must renew certifications for first aid and chairlift evacuation training. Some of them also undergo specialized training for gondola evacuation.

We also offer dispatcher training, which is for our call center. This ensures smooth communication, efficient team logistics, and optimal coordination of operations during the 14 shifts each week.

Preparations for the season

Within our team of nearly 190 people, we are fortunate to have year-round permanent employees. Their tasks are varied! From May to October, they ensure the safety of the mountain bike trails. Once the bike season ends, they remain on duty to assist in hiking trails or for Enduro bikers on our network.

In the fall, they prepare and inspect all the equipment needed for the upcoming ski season: sleds, first aid kits, trailers, ropes, evacuation gear, etc.

Did you know they also inspect the 416 protective pads spread across the mountain? Later, they check the signage on the mountain and lend a hand to other teams.

Continuous training

Even once winter has arrived, our patrollers continue training to be ready for a variety of situations: driving a double sled, rappelling, using the stretcher for ravines, handling the evacuation rifle, and much more.

The commitment of our team

Beyond the technical tasks and training, what truly strengthens our team of patrollers is their passion for the mountain and their dedication to skier safety. A good patroller is above all an active person, passionate about skiing, who loves working outdoors and in a team. Altruistic, helpful, and resourceful, they put the well-being of others at the heart of their work and know how to act efficiently in all situations, whether it’s a minor incident or a more complex emergency.

Thanks to this rigorous preparation and our year-round commitment, we are ready to ensure your safety on the mountain, so you can fully enjoy every run.

The Patrol Team is fully staffed for the upcoming ski season. Check out the available jobs at the mountain!

See you soon on the mountain!

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the mountain maintenance team


This is the mountain maintenance team. The Fabrique de neige will be up and running in less than 3 months, and until then, every day counts! Our mission? To transform the Water Park into a ski resort ready to welcome you.

From Water Park to Ski Resort

As soon as the pools empty, our team springs into action. Just imagine: everything you’ve seen on the site this summer has to go, so that the plateau is ready for the first phase of snowmaking at Versant du Village. This year, the team had a week to pack away 550 picnic tables and remove everything on the future lift lines : the shade sails on the main plateau, the food outlets, the water games, and empty out the Dairy Bar of all its equipment!

But that’s not all. We also have to remove the palm trees and move the pop-up boutique from the St-Hyacinthe slope. The queues at the entrance to the Water Park are also being removed because this passage will become the access point to the Repair shop and the Ticket Office in the winter.

Everything has to be carefully planned and executed in a specific order to ensure smooth coordination among the teams. Here, planning becomes essential!

Behind-the-scenes preparations for Après-Ski shows
Once the main plateau is cleared and the Water Park installations are gone, it’s really time to think about winter. Do you see where the outdoor stage for the Après-Ski shows is usually set up? At the bottom of the Cowansville slope? It will be set up once the snowmaking on the plateau is complete. To prepare for its setup and ensure its stability throughout the winter, we’ll place concrete blocks in the right spots this fall, which will then be covered with snow. Using GPS points recorded by the team, we’ll locate these blocks under the snow to serve as the base for the stage. Additionally, in the fall, we bury pipes to run the electrical cables that will power the stage and the control room. This way, we avoid having to dig trenches once the plateau is snow-covered.
Preserving the Summer Site

In the coming days, we will also install a massive 16-foot snow fence between the lagoon and the Mont Soleil lift. In the summer, there’s a staircase in this spot leading down to the wave pool. When we begin snowmaking on this slope, the height created between the ski run and the building housing the Ticket Office is quite impressive. The fence is designed to ensure the safety of skiers on Mont Soleil.

We will also place large wooden logs around the basins to protect the concrete from snow groomer traffic. This way, when the snow melts, the logs will guide the groomers and protect the infrastructure.

These details may go unnoticed by skiers, but they make all the difference for the maintenance and safety of the facilities.

A sustainable commitment: planting trees to preserve the mountain

This fall, no fewer than 1,000 trees will be planted on the mountain! This project requires significant logistical effort and also involves part of our team. Additionally, we have relocated 150 maples to provide them with an optimal growth space and contribute to the preservation of the mountain.

Regular maintenance and ongoing improvements

And that’s not all! Amidst the major transformation operations, we also carry out regular maintenance of the site. For example, last week, we demolished the Dairy Bar, which will be replaced by the next summer season. These tasks are crucial for maintaining the quality of our facilities.

Our work is far from over, but every day brings us a little closer to the start of ski season. And that’s really motivating!

See you soon on the mountain!